Our services

At C&C Inmoasesores we believe in the importance of personal attention and tailor-made service. Understanding our customers' needs is our priority and we strive to always provide the best possible solutions. We offer a wide range of services, including help with obtaining a Spanish bank account or NIE numbers.

We can also guide you through the process of becoming a resident. For us, the legal aspects of real estate transactions are just as important as all other aspects. That's why we offer our clients a full range of legal services, including a full legal investigation of the property they wish to purchase. We have been working with a well-known law firm in Torrevieja for years, allowing us to offer our clients the best possible legal support. These lawyers are highly experienced in Spanish real estate law and have in-depth knowledge of all legal procedures relating to real estate transactions.

In short, we guide our customers from A to Z with the legal part of a purchase in Spain. We will help you obtain all the necessary documents for the purchase, such as the official cadastral registration and certificates of ownership. We ensure that all documents are properly drawn up and that the contracts signed are in accordance with current legislation.

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